Huffington Post Canada

Good Things Grow In The Ground

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Huffington Post Canada highlights T'zikal's all-natural haircare


By now, I'm sure you have heard of the social movement of "Farm to Table" or "Bean to bar." As new restaurants open, there is a huge effort to keep the origin of ingredients local or at least traceable for intricate meals.

Less elaborate food products can be quite straightforward; for example, the simple, natural ingredients of tea. Blends like, Matcha made in Heaven, Calming Chamomile, and Crime of Passion; ingredients like apples, almonds, sunflower petals and chamomile flowers. No extra additives or a long ingredient lists here. 

This movement has become more than just a trend and it has moved into other major industries, such as beauty. More and more companies have products with sustainable natural ingredients that can be traceable with their origins stemming from trees or plants. I personally think this is quite helpful having environmental allergies and eczema myself. A few all natural products to consider:

Ojon oil has been used by Central-American rainforest community (Mayans) for over 500 years. Ojon Oil was first discovered by the Tawira Tribe, known as "the people with beautiful hair" and is known for being rich in omega oils and other nutrients that profoundly replenish and rebuild hair, leaving it extraordinarily soft, shiny, and manageable. 

Ojon oil is extracted by boiling the fruit of Palm Nut Tree in a kettle for 5-7 hours. A single tree yields 8,000 nuts - which is just enough to produce three cups of pure oil. T'zikal's entire range of hair care and skin care products have no animal testing, no parabens, no artificial colors, fragrance or dyes. Currently, I'm using the curl crème and it's great for keeping those fly aways in check after wearing a hat during the winter.


Many natural products work better than their conventional counterparts because they don't contain unnecessary fillers or irritants. And while some unnatural products may seem to work better with the first try, over the long-term, the harmful chemicals that made your skin feel cleaner or your hair feel smoother may actually cause damage long term. 

Whether it's your beauty routine or beverages you consume, when you're accustomed to doing things the way you always have, you may not see why you would want to switch up your routine. But once you compare the benefits of natural health and beauty products to the way things used to be done, however, you'll see why you would want to adopt a new, natural lifestyle with health and beauty products that can help you look and feel great.